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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Free 1st Friday at Tacoma Childrens Musuem

In downtown Tacoma, the Childrens Musuem is hosting its 1st Friday free entry day.  These days can be busy, but hey, its FREE!  Park at the Tacoma Dome park & ride, then ride the streetcar for FREE as well.  There are new exhibits listed on their website:


Children become leaders of their play as they work together to build structures, monuments or entire worlds with the popular blocks and building pieces designed by architect David Rockwell and made popular by New York City's Imagination Playground. The Imagination Playground highlights the focus on loose parts stating that it “offers a changing array of elements that allows children to constantly reconfigure their environment and to design their own course of play.”


Experiment with colors, lights and shadows in a room full of ever changing manipulatives and light projectors. Mirrors, black lights, and textured screens allow children to make observations and test hypotheses about the properties of light and color mixing in a fun and playful manner.


A stage capable of light, costume, and setting changes provides an endless opportunity for writing, acting and directing! Dr David Elkind states that “through dramatic play, children learn to assert themselves in a way to build their competence in later adult roles.”

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